
Make me laugh

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Es lo único que quedó, lo demás lo inventé yo lol, DIOS SANTO, JESUS VENGADOR DE LOS MARTIRES, VIRGEN SAGRADA, SANTO NIÑO DE ATOCHA, SAN JUDITAS... es más, y al mismisimo SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESUS les pido que ignoren su existencia, de lo contrario los hombres se verían en la constante necesidad de vomitar debido al mal olor que sus almas despiden, así, igualito al olor de la mierda.
Aquí les dejo esta muy buena rola:

Shut Your Mouth

We love you
We hate you
We love you
We want you
We need you
We wish we were like you
They say you´re a saint
You´re a whore
You´re a sinner
That he had you
He made you
He can´t live without you
Would you confess if we asked
That you nurture the urge
To declare that it´s time
To settle down
With a man of your own
You want a baby
A family
A piece of security
Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
What´s your opinion of the dire situation
In our land here
Our guest here
Of course you´ll be nice here
How do you feel about God and religion?
Are you good people?
Bad people?
Guess it doesn´t matter people
Your place
My place
Make her bring that famous face
You got some
You want some
You wanna let me get you some
We know your music but of course we´d never buy it
It´s too fake man
Right man!
(We don´t give a fucking damn)...
I hear you say it
Play it smart girl
Win the game love
Give´em what they want
What they want to see and you could be a big star
You could go far
Make a landmark
What have you been reading you smart girl?
Make a shitload
And the world spins by
With everybody moaning
Pissing, bitching and everyone is shitting
On their friends
On their love
On their oaths
On their honor
On their graves
On their mouths
And their words say nothing
Shut your...
Oh shut your mouth
I wanted to say something
Just shut your mouth
Bueno yo me retiro, espero les guste la rolita, es extraordinaria. Ahí se ven, atte. la sobrina de maquiavelo, la obsesiva o psicotica? jajajajajajajajaja, ahí se ven.

1 comment:

Rulitracea said...

como pudiste escribir tanta pavada mi querida maquias, no sabes como me reí. yo que tu dejaba la psicologia que la neta no se te da y me chingaba a la chupitos en los comediantes.

Te quiero zorrita o mejor dicho: te quiero: zorrita o mas bien: te quiero. Zorrita. como sea te queiro.